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Why We Need Your Support

Leeds Weekend Care Association is a charity, so we rely on the local community, businesses and grant giving organisations to be able to provide our services to as many disabled children and teenagers as possible.


Whether it’s a personal challenge, a bake sale, a virtual event or simply a kind donation, your support goes a long way to help us provide fun, safe and inclusive spaces for disabled children and teenagers.


Check out the different ways you can support us and make a difference to a local charity below.

How You Can Support Weekenders

A simple way to show your support is to make a donation to Weekenders. Every little really does help us to support disabled children, teenagers and their families.

Shop Through Amazon Smile

Shopping on Amazon? Shop through and select Leeds Weekend Care Association from the list of charities to donate every time you shop, at no cost to you!

If you’re planning your own fundraiser, you’ll find resources to help you get started here.

Whether you’re working from home or in the office, you can support #WeekendersAtWork.

If you run a small business, you can support Weekenders through sales of your products or services using Work For Good!

Have Your Own Ideas?

If you have your own brilliant idea, please get in touch with

#TeamLWCA Stories

Our Accreditations


Our Sponsors


LWCA registered charity number 1077162 | Company Limited by guarantee number 3827833


Tel: 0113 216 5133 | Mobile: 07506 722 495 | Email:


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