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About Out and About Project

Teenage years can be tricky – more so if you have a child with additional needs. Teenagers with additional needs want to go out and have fun with people of the same age, but may still require support to do this. They may not have friends who they can go out with and they may not want parents ‘cramping their style’!


That’s what Out and About Project is all about. It’s for teenagers up to their 18th birthday who want to go ‘out and about’ but require some support to do this.

What We Do At Out and About Project

We organise around three events per month for the teens that attend Out and About Project. This is anything from bowling, cinema, eating out, snooker, trampolining, LaserZone, theatre, circus trips, theme park visits (in the school holidays) and local attractions such as Yorkshire Wildlife Park and Stockeld Park… basically anything teens would like to do!


We have trained and experienced staff who already work for us at the Weekenders Club and we staff each trip according to the level of support required. Please note we do not offer one-to-one supervision for this service.

How Much Does Out and About Project Cost?

As a small charity, we do receive some funding to run Out and About Project. However, we do ask families to contribute towards the cost of each outing.


This ranges from £11 to £30, depending on the type of event.


Download Our Charging Policy


Please email for further information.

How Do I Get a Referral?

You do not need to be referred to Weekenders Club as we operate a self-referral system:


Our Accreditations


Our Sponsors


LWCA registered charity number 1077162 | Company Limited by guarantee number 3827833


Tel: 0113 216 5133 | Mobile: 07506 722 495 | Email:


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